
Robin Hood

I read a book “Robin Hood”. It is adventure story!

One day, three girls(Wilma, Anneena and Biff) went to the pantomime. It was about Robin Hood. Robin Hood is a good man. He lived in a wood with his men. Everyone liked him. And, there is a man who called the Sheriff. Nobody liked him because he was a bad man. He wanted to catch Robin Hood. The next day, three girls went to play. They sang a song about Robin Hood. Kipper did not like the song. He had a key round his neck. It was the magic key. Suddenly the key began to glow. The magic took the children to a wood. It was the wood where Robin Hood lived. Robin Hood saw the children and welcomed to them. The children sang the song for Robin Hood and his men. Kipper don’t like it so left the place. Then, nobody saw the Sheriff coming. Suddenly the Sheriff’s men ran in. They grabbed Robin Hood and put a rope round him. They put them all into a cart. “Take them away!” said the Sheriff. Kipper hid in the big black pot. The Sheriff’s men did not see him. He thought that “I must help them.” The Sheriff took them to a village. Then, Kipper helped for girls and Robin Hood. He set them free. They went back to the woods. Suddenly the magic key began to glow. Three girls and a boy had to back to their world so said good bye.

The story was funny. If I can go to the different world, I want to the Disney movies world!!
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